
[2024] The top post is the most recent - different from my dream journal, but I don't care...

No real schedule or format for these, except not doxxing myself.

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Apr 30th, 2024 - 17:40

new school class just dropped (dog)

AWW puppy... large fluffy brown dog very happy AWW puppy...  brown dog loafing with ball...?

Apr 29th, 2024 - 17:56

MY birthday in a few days!!!


Apr 17th, 2024 - 20:11

Last night, I had a weird dream about making a Homestuck fan comic.

generic guy

Apr 15th, 2024 - 21:48

Cookie's back legs are getting worse. MEANWHILE, his brother is stealing food whenever he turns his back... T_T

Apr 15th, 2024 - 21:48

Cookie is fucking UP a large dried fruit. chewing as fast as rodently possible

Apr 13th, 2024 - 14:13

obligatory trollsona art for 413

trollsona - bronze-blood in a sweater with one z-shaped horn and one broken-off one. wearing glasses that look like leaves and weird shoes. a lizard-thing is next to him and also a sprite. gif with multiple frames of silly nonsense

Also, here is some "spoiler" art for Eternal Wanderlust!

This scenario EXACTLY probably won't happen, but this is a canon location.

Yewe floating in darkness with glowing star shapes around them. In front of them is a massive blue star.

Apr 12th, 2024 - 21:50


Apr 10th, 2024 - 11:10

I bought Hollow Knight!!! :D

Apr 8th, 2024 - ??:??

List of things I saw during those three days, in no particular order:

Apr 7th, 2024 - 21:36

Saw a horse rolling around in the mud scratching itself. As in with the mud. It didn't grow freakish human hands.

The campervan pop-top is both a nexus of space and calmness, as well as literally freezer-like.

its cold in here

My battery is running out!

Apr 6th, 2024 - ??:??

Got to the place (GIANT bookshop named Barter Books), bought a baked potato and two books.

Apr 5th, 2024 - 20:14

Going to somewhere tomorrow with most of my family. For three days. In one campvervan (parents').

It's cool to be with my sibling (branarbi), though, I guess.

They're fucking PUMPED about vegetarian sushi, and we may be able to get some on the way! Hell yeah!

It is hellishly stormy where we are going; there is a garden there that is outdoors we were going to maybe go to BUT we were always planning to go to the main thing: a bookshop in [REDACTED]! I don't live near there though, I live in [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [CREDIT CARD INFO REDACTED] [ETERNAL KNOWLEDGE REDACTED] [REDACTED] [BLOCKED DUE TO QUESTIONABLE TASTE IN [REDACTED]] [GOVERNMENT KNOWLEDGE REDACTED]

drawing of me saying dont doxx me please

Apr 4th, 2024 - 18:05

Boiler began to smell of gas! It got fixed!

Yeah, my computer is back. I'm using it to write this and continue the minecraft essay thing with my own screenshot. Only one of my speakers works!

I don't have a woodshed or a shotgun, but if I did and they were horses, I would be taking my speakers and mouse (doesn't work until you unplug it and then replug it) behind there.

Apr 2nd, 2024 - 23:08

Fell asleep at 9pm, then woke up after having a weirdass nightmare where minecraft gamertags were real and I noticed that everyone I knew suddenly had different name tags......

I'm going to try to explain the way Minecraft removed/updated features feel almost mythical to me.

(data source: Minecraft Discontinued Features Wiki and Minecraft Wiki)

Self-taken screenshots.

New Minecraft generation, view from atop a dark forest with mushrooms.Minecraft house on a beach in indev. It has a strange back, but you can't see why. There is very thick fog.

Those are two screenshots I took of unmodified (Left has optifine) minecraft generation. The left is Minecraft-y all right, but there's something nostalgic about the shitty render distance and the frame rate not being 12fps of the right one that makes it feel more mysterious. Anything could be in that fog. Especially Herobrine.

Very old infdev minecraft. Pure blue sky with stark white clouds, basic terrain, and a huge glass crossroads.

Or how about this from the Minecraft Wiki? The sky is pure blue. There is an infinite obsidian crossroads, but the terrain is so basic it's the only way to tell if you've moved 100 blocks, or 100,000.

These are alike to a chaos-filled world before the accretion of reality. As if a mythological origin, the most basic components exist, places seperated by a roiling fog that completely covers all that you are not currently very, very near to.

The world begins. It is grass and stone, and it is in the shape of caves. "Preclassic."

The world roils and is upheaved. The land is now flat, but there are things in the shape of people.

Screenshot of Classic, island in ocean.

The world is upheaved. Water flows, and the world is in the shape of tree-covered hills. Then, you become able to place new blocks that do not occur naturally. Bricks and glass, gold and cloth. "Classic."

Flowers eventually grow, red and yellow, but they are off.

Screenshot of Survival Test, there are small cliffs and a detonating TNT.

The player becomes... mortal. You can die. Beasts crawl from the depths, you fire arrows at them yet you are without a bow. "Survival Test." Pigs mindlessly walk the land. Stone is malleable to the fist. Trees fall apart to planks upon your attack, but will grow again from saplings.

And your mortality - your meaning? - falls away temporarily. You can build, and that is all.

It all rushes back again - weaker, able to respawn. "Indev." You can form tools upon a wooden crafting table, and shatter them upon stone. Furnaces, smelting better tools, glass, torches for light, which you need due to the previously eternal sun's eventual set. Light is no longer either dark or light, it is smoother, although still blocky.

Screenshot of Indev minecraft. A floating island with bright green grass and stone.

Plants may be grown. Diamonds dwell in the deep caves. Paintings, depicting something that could not exist yet. At your command, a new world may be made. It could be hellish, with burning lava. Or paradisical, with an unsetting sun. The world could float, or be an island. With the press of a key, you may capture an image of the full world, although it usually glitches out. Storage chests.

And- it all falls away. The world becomes infinite, yet there is so much removed it is less interesting. "Infdev."

You are no longer truly living. Only mortal in the sense of "able to die". The world will soon come back, you hope.

Features flow back. Caves, animals, crafting, paintings.

Screenshot of alpha minecraft. A slime in a nook within the wall of a cave. A torch is placed in front of it.

The world roils as new things appear. Rideable carts upon rails, dungeons from which infinite beasts can flow from with treasure-crammed chests, red dust that transfers power. Something changes - the name. "Alpha." The world is stable for now. It may generate as snowy lands one quarter of the time - otherwise, the world is one "biome". Cacti grow anywhere. Slimes within the depths, boats, bookshelves, clay. Chickens, eggs, jukeboxes and music discs, fences, fishing rods, and you are able to crouch...

Another world, inhospitable and firey, reminding you of hell. Glowing crystals are encrusted upon the ceiling. In your main world, there is now a difference. Biomes; deserts, forests, beaches, rainforests, more forests...

"Beta." You can burn wood into charcoal, craft sand into sandstone, kill squid, there are different wood logs and a new blue ore.

Half-height "slab" blocks, and you can finally sleep upon a bed. Cookies, wolves, maps, grass and trapdoors, shears and pistons that push blocks around; the world reaches "Beta 1.7.3.", and then everything changes.

I will not be talking about post-Beta 1.8, not because I dislike it but because it doesn't feel like this.

Apr 2nd, 2024 - 10:42

i love to chitter and shift my chitonous exoskeletal plates in response to emotion

freaked the fuck out bc cookie looked straight up DEAD but he made a miraculous recovery once i pulled out the pumpkin seeds

My entire fucking computer and all of the accessories are 100% unplugged; no Eternal Wanderlust for a few days, possibly a week (going somewhere but I don't want to get doxxed??? so i'm going to post what ive written there after i leave there and backdate it)

Mar 29th, 2024 - 15:42

Since part of the room has the floor removed, and the rats are less able to climb things, I built a barrier of boxes. But I'll have to keep them off the bed, because the box wall is exactly as high as the bed...

I let them out for a test run, and while Cream TRIED to escape via the back side of the bed, he hasn't made it yet. Success! Oh... nevermind! Both Cream AND Cookie made it through... then turned back...?

RAT CONTAINMENT RATING: 3/10 Had an obvious escape spot, and did nothing to stop them from going behind the bed.

Mar 28th, 2024 - 21:58

Rearranged the boxes and let the beasts free! They're getting older, and there's a strange mix of melancholy, fear, and happiness knowing that the rats are on the later end of the ages they can get to. I just love them so much.

Cream started eating part of the removed floorboards!!! (heating upgrade installation in about a week) It has rugs over it. I have no idea where he got that...?

Mar 27th, 2024 - (Day, unknown)

im so ill :( chest infectiom... that being said, im in with the rats! they have fixated on this one box, probably because it's dark in there and they sleep during the day. (i then put them back in the cage)

where the rats were. photo of boxes stacked with a circled small one.