Dream Journal


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This is my dream journal. Thanks branarbi for letting me steal their code! The dream date is the date I woke up from it.

Jan 8th, 2024


I'm standing in a gift shop that somehow is the internet at present. It's sterile looking, with strange plants and other anomalies interspersed. Then, I somehow DIE and wake up in the version of this shop circa 2000. There are open areas with odd objects, and the gift shop is run by a rusting robot.

I want to buy something, but the items no longer really exist, so I run up the stairs. There's another gift shop, for the year 2001. I keep running, and eventually end up in the year 2004, an area that is oddly interesting to me, despite the fact that it is very similar to the 2000 shop. I begin exploring, and find a tunnel. Inside is a YTP, somehow, but I keep crawling through the dark and murky gloom. Then I see something both horrifying and disgusting. I wake up.

Jan 10th, 2024


I downloaded scary minecraft mods to real life, and I wake up on a road that's dark and rainy. There is an aura of something terrible, and the road collapses. I fall into a cave and know IT IS BEHIND ME.

Jan 26th, 2024


I'm actually a real anglerfish, and I am really big. Like the size of a city.

I wake up in a weird port city that is frozen in time. I wander for days, until something sna p s . Time speeds up, and after a few seconds I find myself back in my old home (in-dream) with my family, who are now proportionally older.

Jan 26th, 2024


I walk into a museum and realise that it's actually just the era. I fly into the top and find this MASSIVE dining room. The table is many meters long, and a couple dozen feet off the ground. You need a map to find the food you want, and every known "fancy" food has a place to put it. I abscond upstairs and wake up.

Jan 29th, 2024

BUtter............. DREAM

If butter is in the exact right conditions it turns white and puffs up. It becomes a delicious foamy spread. (not real)

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